Thursday, December 14, 2017

Potrait Painting

For my portrait painting i was drawing GHerbo. I wasn't close to finishing but i feel like it would have came out if i would have got a chance to paint it.

Object Drawing

 My object was an inhaler which is in the center of the drawing. I drew buildings around my object to give the scene of a city.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Half-Face Drawing Project

I drew half the face of LeBron James. His beard and the value of his face was the hardest part to do but overall it was easy. I enjoyed  drawing this.

Value Project

The definition of value and the different types of value. Also examples of each.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

2017 New Years Goals/Resolution

This is a drawing I did to describe things i want to accomplish this year. I want to be healthier, get more money, and improve on my grades.